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    Cardio     Empty Cardio

    Post by Al-Mann Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:08 am


    What do you all think about this statement?

    "Firstly when you wake up your body is in a catabolic state and doing a catabolic exercise like cardio is going to make you lose muscle."

    If you agree, how long before cardio should you take a meal to get your body out of the catabolic state?

    Thank you.

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    Cardio     Empty Re: Cardio

    Post by jimijimi Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:40 am

    Al-Mann wrote:Hi,

    What do you all think about this statement?

    "Firstly when you wake up your body is in a catabolic state and doing a catabolic exercise like cardio is going to make you lose muscle."

    If you agree, how long before cardio should you take a meal to get your body out of the catabolic state?

    Thank you.

    Have to resurch that. I don't feel I'am losing muscle doing cardio,but toning up
    muscle. I wake up at 6 am have coffie and by 7:30am drink a protein shake,
    8:30 in the gym doing cardio,45 mins. 9:30am I do breakfest, back to the gym at 6 pm weight traning
    I do that Mon-Fri. Can not eat before I go to the gym.

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    Post by deadliftstoheaven Sat Jun 04, 2016 2:32 am

    I believe that is true but just have a small amount of a protein shake when you wake up before cardio. Take something like 15 grams of whey protein when you wake up if your worried about muscle loss.

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    Cardio     Empty Re: Cardio

    Post by jrobinsonlaw Sat Jun 04, 2016 3:07 am

    I think that if you are trying to lose fat, cardio in the morning is a good idea because when you wake your glycogen levels are low so you burn fat for fuel and not carbs...just don't over do it and you will not lose muscle.
    Dr. Steroids
    Dr. Steroids

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    Cardio     Empty Re: Cardio

    Post by Dr. Steroids Sat Jun 04, 2016 3:50 am

    Yeah, when you wake up first thing in the morning your body is most receptive in burning fat b/c your carb levels are sooooo low you will burn fat faster than if you had a meal and then did cardio. If your body has carbs in it than it will burn those first before ever tapping into its fats stores and therefore you'll have to do cardio for more than 30min b/c until than the body is burning a mixture of fat, protein, and carbs. After the 30min marker the body starts to burn less carbs and more fat. If your stores are very low to begin will you will not have to wait the 30min.

    You dont have to worry about loosing soo much size with cardio first thing in the morning.

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