I thought it would be a great idea to start a Bodybuilding tip of the Day Thread.
I will post a tip every day that will serve as a little reminder of the small things that we tend to forget about from time to time. It will also give everyone the opportunity to drop in and say hi and partake in a constructive and enjoyable conversation. So if anyone would like to offer their input regarding the initial thought, please feel free to do so. Let us start today..
Tip of the Day October 30, 2016:
Stretch AFTER you Warmup!
A warm muscle is much more easily stretched than a cold muscle. Never stretch a cold muscle, always warm-up first to get blood circulating throughout the body and into the muscles. A warm-up should be a slow, rhythmic exercise of larger muscle groups done before an activity. Riding a bicycle or walking works well. This provides the body with a period of adjustment between rest and the activity. The warm-up should last about 5-10 minutes and should be similar to the activity that you are about to do, but at a much lower intensity. Once you have warmed up at a low intensity for about 5-10 minutes and have gotten your muscles warm, you can now stretch.
Have a Nice Day :-)
I will post a tip every day that will serve as a little reminder of the small things that we tend to forget about from time to time. It will also give everyone the opportunity to drop in and say hi and partake in a constructive and enjoyable conversation. So if anyone would like to offer their input regarding the initial thought, please feel free to do so. Let us start today..
Tip of the Day October 30, 2016:
Stretch AFTER you Warmup!
A warm muscle is much more easily stretched than a cold muscle. Never stretch a cold muscle, always warm-up first to get blood circulating throughout the body and into the muscles. A warm-up should be a slow, rhythmic exercise of larger muscle groups done before an activity. Riding a bicycle or walking works well. This provides the body with a period of adjustment between rest and the activity. The warm-up should last about 5-10 minutes and should be similar to the activity that you are about to do, but at a much lower intensity. Once you have warmed up at a low intensity for about 5-10 minutes and have gotten your muscles warm, you can now stretch.
Have a Nice Day :-)
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