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    how many ccs per bodypart


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    how many ccs per bodypart Empty how many ccs per bodypart

    Post by dragonboy Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:12 am

    just wondering how many cc's can i inject in to the shoulder and glute at a time i heard u shouldnt inject more than 1cc into ur shoulder at a time just wondering casue im gonna be using prop so how mANY FOR EACH BODYPART IS A GOOD RULE OF THUMB

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    how many ccs per bodypart Empty Re: how many ccs per bodypart

    Post by NPC-HEAVYWEIGHT Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:03 am

    I wouldnt go over 1ml or 1 cc in the Delt--will cause to much scar tissue and you do and make the delt look like it has knots in it and deformed ----the glute could easliy hold three cc's-----leg can hold 3 cc's
    Dr. Steroids
    Dr. Steroids

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    how many ccs per bodypart Empty Re: how many ccs per bodypart

    Post by Dr. Steroids Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:48 am

    The amount of CC's allowed in a bodypart has alot to do with the size of the bodypart your injecting into. Meaning a large shoulder can easily take more than 1CC than a small shoulder. So to say how much can your shoulder can take is hard since as you see everyone would be diff. Also to note the more you stick in the there the greater the chances of an abscess.

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    how many ccs per bodypart Empty Re: how many ccs per bodypart

    Post by 69ECLIPSE Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:06 am

    What I Tell People Is Glutes/thighs 3 Cc
    Shoulders 1-1 1/2 Cc Tops

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