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    sweating alot while sleeping


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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by nosnz28 Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:03 am

    ive noticed that ive been waking up alot due to sweating in the middle of the night. is this normal, i only sleep with one cover. does your body have that type of reaction to sweat alot. i could be sitting on the couch and my back is dripping. my girlfriend always asks why i sweat so much. i never used to sweat like that before.

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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty Re: sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by Rulez Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:42 am

    I never usually sweat but with the Tren i have been lately...especially during workouts. I find myself getting very hot at night despite the fact that my A/C is cranked down and fan is on....i think its cause my GF radiates heat though.

    But yeah...on cycle i definatly sweat more. I use acne stuff on my back and face that dries the skin so this helps...but there is only so much you can do.

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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty Re: sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by hometeam1804 Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:19 am

    Rulez, What Do You Use For Your Acne?

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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty Re: sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by Rulez Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:04 am

    hometeam1804 wrote:Rulez, What Do You Use For Your Acne?

    I have a shower wash which is like a sulfer based stuff. It smells like shiat haha. And i use a gel for after shower which is called Duac which keeps my skin dry and oil free. I have acne pills but i dont want to take them while on cycle so i have that for afterwards.

    I am also in the sun a lot on the weekends(pool and life ) So i use a dermatologist recommended sun screen.

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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty Re: sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by nosnz28 Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:49 am

    casn you get this stuff at a walgreens or jewel

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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty Re: sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by Rulez Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:31 am

    Dont think so...i got it from my Dermo.
    Dr. Steroids
    Dr. Steroids

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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty Re: sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by Dr. Steroids Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:12 am

    Tren And/or t3 make me sweat seriously at night. I have woke up with soaked sheets in the morning.

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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty Re: sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by bigguy Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:58 am

    i hate it bro...i sweat like a horse when i am getting ready for a show...anytime i add tren to the mix it starts...i dont mean that i just sweat...i mean that i have to get up & towel off & change shorts because i sweat so much...really sux cause you cant get good sleep like that!

    for the acne, which i dont get extremely bad like some, i just make sure i have good soap like Rulez said & scrub my back with a brush...

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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty Re: sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by NPC-HEAVYWEIGHT Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:49 pm

    hahaha last night I woke up drinched in water--- pillow was soa ked bad ---I took 15mcgs of t3 before i went to bed though ---t3 will make you body temp jump up a degree or 2 ---i took mine it was 100.1----lol

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    sweating alot while sleeping Empty Re: sweating alot while sleeping

    Post by 69ECLIPSE Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:29 pm

    tren makes me sweat also,especially on my neck

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