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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?


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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

    Post by pound4pound Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:38 am

    What post cycle therapy would you recommend for a 10-12 week Test-E cycle (first timer, 500mg/week)? I know most will say Nolvadex, but isn't Nolva bad if you already have gyno (prolactin related)?

    What would be better to take ON-cycle, aromasin or arimidex?
    Dr. Steroids
    Dr. Steroids

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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Re: Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

    Post by Dr. Steroids Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:27 am

    Actually most here will NOT say nolva b/c it increases your bad cholesterol and lipid levels which is not a good thing. If you look at Visions Threads in the PCT section you'll get a in depth reasoning what to run and why.

    Most will advise you to run clomid to raise your LH and FSH Levels which is a must to bounce back and also a strong AI like Aromasin to help raise your test levels too. 4 weeks of clomid @ 100mg ED and 6 weeks of A-sin at 25mg ED. Some add other things to the combo to ensure they bounce back. Also dont forget to get your bloodwork done to make sure you're functioning at 100% again afterwards.

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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Re: Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

    Post by pound4pound Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:20 am

    Dr. Steroids wrote:Actually most here will NOT say nolva b/c it increases your bad cholesterol and lipid levels which is not a good thing.If you look at Visions Threads in the PCT section you'll get a in depth reasoning what to run and why.

    Most will advise you to run clomid to raise your LH and FSH Levels which is a must to bounce back and also a strong AI like Aromasin to help raise your test levels too.4 weeks of clomid @ 100mg ED and 6 weeks of A-sin at 25mg ED.Some add other things to the combo to ensure they bounce back.Also dont forget to get your bloodwork done to make sure you're functioning at 100% again afterwards.

    I forgot, different boards have different schools of thought lolSome think Nolva is the be all and end all of PCT.

    Clomid scares me because I've heard it can mess with your vision and in one case, vision did not improve after cessation of clomid.
    Dr. Steroids
    Dr. Steroids

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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Re: Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

    Post by Dr. Steroids Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:05 am

    I have never exp blurred vision from clomid which i have used on many occasions. I do know some who have and it can happen. I have never read in any med journal nor have i ever known anyone who still had blurred vision after they stopped the clomid bud.

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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Re: Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

    Post by pound4pound Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:57 am

    Dr. Steroids wrote:I have never exp blurred vision from clomid which i have used on many occasions.I do know some who have and it can happen.I have never read in any med journal nor have i ever known anyone who still had blurred vision after they stopped the clomid bud.

    Visual disturbance secondary to clomiphene citrate. [Arch Ophthalmol. 1995] - PubMed Result

    Visual disturbance secondary to clomiphene citrate.

    Purvin VA.
    Midwest Eye Institute, Methodist Hospital of Indiana, Indianapolis, USA.

    OBJECTIVE: To identify a distinctive constellation of persistent visual abnormalities secondary to treatment with clomiphene citrate. DESIGN: Description of the clinical findings in three patients with visual disturbance secondary to clomiphene treatment. SETTING: A neuro-ophthalmology referral center. PATIENTS: Three women aged 32 to 36 years treated for infertility with clomiphene for 4 to 15 months. RESULTS: All three patients experienced prolonged afterimages (palinopsia), shimmering of the peripheral field, and photophobia while undergoing treatment with clomiphene. The results of the neuro-ophthalmologic examination and electrophysiologic studies were normal in all three patients. Unlike previously reported cases, visual symptoms did not resolve on cessation of treatment. Patients remain symptomatic from 2 to 7 years after discontinuing treatment with the medication. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with clomiphene can cause prolonged visual disturbance. Patients who develop such symptoms should be advised that continued administration may cause irreversible changes. Women with characteristic visual symptoms should be questioned about past use of clomiphene.
    PMID: 7710399 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Re: Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

    Post by Visions Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:33 am

    Yes that should be a concern and everyone needs to evaluate if they wish to use it as with any drug... thanks for bringing this up... I will update my PCT sticky to include this study and my recommendations for anyone that is afraid to use clomid...

    For those that are afraid of Clomid I would reccommend using 500iu HCG 2 X a week throughout the cycle,,, the last shots before PCT use 1500ius each shot,,, this will be a boost to get all leydig cells to respond... PCT= 500iu's HCG e3d for 5 shots along with 25mg Aromasin ed for 6 weeks

    I receive many PM's about PCT and have given this simular advice with great success... mostly to guys that did other PCT's using Nola and didn't recover... also alot of them were on very long cycles without the use of HCG... The key is using the HCG throughout the cycle and starting it from the beginning because if you skip this part its harder for the testes to respond to anything...

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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Re: Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

    Post by heritage07 Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:16 am

    Clomid blurred my vision to a degree, but once I stopped everything went back to normal. I have had corrective eye surgery and was a little concerened but it never got bad enough for me to stop the clomid. Like I said everything is fine now. Knock on wood.....

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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Re: Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

    Post by pound4pound Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:06 am

    Should I use aromasin all the way through (weeks 1-19) or use arimidex on-cycle, and aromasin for PCT?

    Week 1-19: Aromasin


    Week 1-14: Arimidex
    Week 15-19: Aromasin

    Also, what do you think about toremifene? How could that be thrown into the mix?

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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Re: Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

    Post by bignready Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:57 am

    im running 750mg test e and using 75mg proviron which is all i seem to need on for me.also i had blurred vision with nolva

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    Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex? Empty Re: Test-E post cycle therapy advice? AND Aromasin vs Arimidex?

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