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    Silly Leg workout


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    Silly Leg workout Empty Silly Leg workout

    Post by DoubleWide Wed Nov 22, 2017 5:09 am

    yesterday i really wanted to pound my legs and push myself so i did a nice workout with really high reps and light weight. it was fun. my legs gave out on me a few times and it was definatly fun. here is what i did. im sure yall have done stupider stuff but this was one of my favorite leg workouts just because of the pump.

    squats- 34x 225lbs 32x 185lbs 30x 135lbs
    leg press - 50x 270lbs 10second rest and 10 more reps
    leg extensions- 25x90lbs i think lol
    ham curls- 35x50lbs i thinklol

    not heavy weight but with little rest in between its nuts. my biggest problem was my cardio was so bad so it hampered me. but it was fun. ive never been the strongest person but its fun to do things like this. i think back to 8 reps with 4 and a bit plates for next week.

    Posts : 7
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    Join date : 2016-05-26

    Silly Leg workout Empty Re: Silly Leg workout

    Post by cmwings Wed Nov 22, 2017 5:49 am

    34x225 ain't light dude! That is like a marathon!On a good day I could knock out 20 reps of 225 max.Good job.

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    Silly Leg workout Empty Re: Silly Leg workout

    Post by gilly Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:09 pm

    Legs,this is the bodypart i want to focus on some major growth for the next 6 months particulary the sweep size.I can`t squat because of an old knee ligament injury but i can give it hell on leg presses.Yesterday i incorparated some stiff leg deadlifts in the leg routine for the first time in a long time my god i can feel it today.
    Eating Machine
    Eating Machine

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    Silly Leg workout Empty Re: Silly Leg workout

    Post by Eating Machine Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:00 pm

    I agree with cmwings.

    I often do 15-20 rep squats using a 12" box. I made 20 reps with 225 for the first time last week, now it is time for me to go up!! Getting the poundages down and reps up, gives my low back a break from the heavy squats.

    Posts : 27
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    Join date : 2017-01-03

    Silly Leg workout Empty Re: Silly Leg workout

    Post by Ferni Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:54 pm

    DoubleWide wrote:yesterday i really wanted to pound my legs and push myself so i did a nice workout with really high reps and light weight. it was fun. my legs gave out on me a few times and it was definatly fun. here is what i did. im sure yall have done stupider stuff but this was one of my favorite leg workouts just because of the pump.

    squats- 34x 225lbs   32x 185lbs 30x 135lbs
    leg press - 50x 270lbs 10second rest and 10 more reps
    leg extensions- 25x90lbs i think lol
    ham curls- 35x50lbs i thinklol

    not heavy weight but with little rest in between its nuts. my biggest problem was my cardio was so bad so it hampered me. but it was fun. ive never been the strongest person but its fun to do things like this. i think back to 8 reps with 4 and a bit plates for next week.

    Amazing your are, Arnold should follow your strength build

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