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    Cardio during PCT


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    Join date : 2016-11-09

    Cardio during PCT Empty Cardio during PCT

    Post by Graham24 Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:07 am

    I have read through the stickys about PCT etc, very good reading and a lot of helpful info in there that i didnt know which is all good.

    Anyway...i didnt see anything about this little issue. If by any chance during my oral cycle i put on a bit of fat or want to try and cut the fat (love handles) that i already have can i do cardio during PCT?

    Would it affect the PCT at all in terms of results?
    Dr. Steroids
    Dr. Steroids

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    Location : Adrenaline Alley

    Cardio during PCT Empty Re: Cardio during PCT

    Post by Dr. Steroids Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:50 am

    You can do cardio during PCT, but keep your Kcal up so your body gets used to holding onto the added new weight you put on. If you didn't do any cardio during your cycle, I suggest you do. Even if bulking cardio is a necessary evil, just adjust it accordingly.

    Posts : 4
    Karma : 6
    Join date : 2016-11-09

    Cardio during PCT Empty Re: Cardio during PCT

    Post by Graham24 Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:41 pm

    Dr. Steroids wrote:If you didn't do any cardio during your cycle, I suggest you do. Even if bulking cardio is a necessary evil, just adjust it accordingly.

    OK cheers for that, i will add in some cardio during my cycle.

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