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    GH Dosage??


    Posts : 1
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    Join date : 2018-10-23

    GH Dosage?? Empty GH Dosage??

    Post by big_red Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:00 am

    I just started on GH today.

    Money is not an issue, so i plan on staying on year round.

    I have been advised by most of the top competitors in ireland that 2ius per day is plenty, but i have rwad on a few forums that 4-6 per day is standard!!

    I had planned to use 2iu's every morning, like i said, year round. when im on, during pct and when im "off" gear!!

    Is this dosage sufficient to see decent gains in lean muscle accumulation and keeping bodyfat in check?

    Posts : 120
    Karma : 122
    Join date : 2016-02-01

    GH Dosage?? Empty Re: GH Dosage??

    Post by NTG Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:38 am

    Evrything Ive read has been 4-6iu for lean gains. anything under that will get you fat loss but not lean tissue or anything significant anyway.I ran 4IU 5on 2 off for 5 months and stayed lean and kept my gains while off cycle. I didnt get huge on 4iu but I would do it again.
    I would say if money isnt an issue5-6 would be an awesome route. JMO

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 13, 2024 1:57 am